
Wow! You've found your way to my blog, I am honored and delighted! I hope you take a moment (or two) to look around, there is so much to see! I update this blog as often as I can with images from my latest sessions, and occasionally throw in a personal picture or two. Enjoy, and I truly hope I get the chance to meet you in person! {Located at 180 St. Paul, Ste 201 Rochester, NY but available to travel nationwide.}

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

change is inevitable...

Today I'm feeling a bit melancholy.  My one and only niece is now living a million miles from me.   Even though it could be argued I moved away first - I'm not digging it.  I know it couldn't be helped and their reason for moving was the same reason we moved to New York from Michigan.  I know things happen for a reason, but some days it's easier to accept than others.  The Nash family and my little pumpkin Emma have graced the blog on more than one occasion, maybe you remember them.   So to my little munchkin - I miss you cutie pie and I can't wait to give you big hugs when I visit and I   hope you have tons of adventures in Cali!  {This would be such a wonderful time to post a picture of the two of us, but I'm never in the photos and always behind the camera - shame on me!!}

So instead here is an iPhone pic of the newest furry pet in our family, meet Miss Penny Parker.  (If anyone can tell me where that name came from - free iced coffee on me! ) 

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