
Wow! You've found your way to my blog, I am honored and delighted! I hope you take a moment (or two) to look around, there is so much to see! I update this blog as often as I can with images from my latest sessions, and occasionally throw in a personal picture or two. Enjoy, and I truly hope I get the chance to meet you in person! {Located at 180 St. Paul, Ste 201 Rochester, NY but available to travel nationwide.}

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone is lathered with sunscreen and enjoying the afternoon, it's a scorcher out there today!  I can almost smell the barbecue now..... I wonder how that became the activity of choice to celebrate this holiday?  Maybe because it's pretty much the most all-American thing you can do and it's done with your closest friends and family.  Speaking of barbecues, I'm off to one myself in a bit!  Many blessings to everyone on this day, I hope you take a moment and smell the roses! 

Even though I am a photographer and all  - I really do think a photo session is such an amazing way to celebrate being a family.  And to that I would love to share a few from a recent shoot of the Ardillo family, Dad is not in these because we were surprising him for Father's Day!  Another really great idea...{just sayin!}

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