
Wow! You've found your way to my blog, I am honored and delighted! I hope you take a moment (or two) to look around, there is so much to see! I update this blog as often as I can with images from my latest sessions, and occasionally throw in a personal picture or two. Enjoy, and I truly hope I get the chance to meet you in person! {Located at 180 St. Paul, Ste 201 Rochester, NY but available to travel nationwide.}

Friday, February 27, 2009

Little E

I was so excited to put those little slideshows on the blog, because it seemed way cooler than always having to "scroll".  But, then I realized you can't see them when you are using your iPhone!  So, I will try to alternate - because they are still cool!  However, if you are like me and find yourself getting restless at one of your kiddo's practices, web surfing is priceless!  

On a different note, I would like to introduce someone near and dear to my heart.  This is the beautiful, busy, intelligent little miracle...Emma.  Emma is my very precious niece who joined our family last year and until now has not been overly thrilled with anyone other than Mommy (and Grandma) taking her picture!  This little (teeny weeny) mini session lasted all of 3 minutes but I was still able to capture some fun images!  I love you little E and can't wait until you make the trip to New York again!

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