
Wow! You've found your way to my blog, I am honored and delighted! I hope you take a moment (or two) to look around, there is so much to see! I update this blog as often as I can with images from my latest sessions, and occasionally throw in a personal picture or two. Enjoy, and I truly hope I get the chance to meet you in person! {Located at 180 St. Paul, Ste 201 Rochester, NY but available to travel nationwide.}

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wall Goodies

As a follow up to the last post I wanted to give a little inspiration with an example of how you can re-define how images are displayed in your home.   Lets be fun and creative and make a personal style stand - use family, {the most important piece of art we have} to decorate with.   

A fun SALE is in the works, stay tuned.......

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