
Wow! You've found your way to my blog, I am honored and delighted! I hope you take a moment (or two) to look around, there is so much to see! I update this blog as often as I can with images from my latest sessions, and occasionally throw in a personal picture or two. Enjoy, and I truly hope I get the chance to meet you in person! {Located at 180 St. Paul, Ste 201 Rochester, NY but available to travel nationwide.}

Friday, December 4, 2009

Toronto Newbies!

Since moving to New York everyone has urged us to visit Toronto, telling us what a great city it is. Last month in need of a short holiday we headed out filled with much anticipation, and now that I've been there - I absolutely agree! I'm such a fan of big cities, our whole family is. We love walking the streets feeling the heartbeat so to speak and soaking in our surroundings. You know how it is when you visit a place for the first time, so many wonderful adventures await but its so hard to pick one! In the spirit of our newbyness we tackled some of the must sees like the CN Tower, Eaton Center Mall, "down town", Dundas St. ,and Casa Loma. On the morning we headed home we visited what would end up being my favorite local hot spot, Queen St. West. I'm so glad we did! My oldest daughter and I are major tea fans and found a great shop - David's Tea and tasted their many fantastic offerings and brought a little back home! Here are a couple pics from our travels, taken on my i Phone. Please enjoy and if you ever get the opportunity - go visit Toronto!

Upon arrival in our lovely room at The Grand Hotel we enjoyed this view out of our window, thank you God for blessing us with beautiful weather and the opportunity to step out of our daily routine....

My J is a reader, simply put. It was no surprise she almost instantly found a brochure and snuggled up with all of her furry friends to enjoy some lovely traveling tips....

The lovely Casa Loma.....

I refrained from touching up this picture so I could have a good laugh seeing the bags under our eyes from lack of sleep on our rock-like pull out sofa bed. What can I say, we gave up the the comfy bed to the kids and my Mom.....

This is the infamous, Buddy. Well at least that's what my kiddos nicknamed him. They thought he was adorable - I thought he was kind of creepy! Shooo littl guy, please don't eat my children!

Many Blessings,

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